Pivotal Energy Solutions Recognized as Home Innovation NGBS Green Partner of Excellence

Pivotal Energy Solutions has been named a Home Innovation NGBS Green Partner of Excellence for 2016. NGBS Green, which is based on the National Green Building Standard™ (NGBS), has certified more homes than any other national green home certification program thanks in large part to its knowledgeable in-field verifiers. Being one of an elite group of Home Innovation’s green certification program partners to be recognized validates the commitment Pivotal has made to providing customers with increased value, professionalism, and relevance in the marketplace through third-party verification to the NGBS.

“As the home building market continues its rebound,” said Home Innovation Labs president and CEO Michael Luzier, “dedicated partners like Pivotal prove that supporting our rigorous third-party certification program isn’t just a passing fad – it’s a strategic business decision that is paying dividends and changing the marketplace. Others around the industry could benefit from following the lead of this year’s NGBS Green Partners of Excellence and building on the program’s success.”

Bob Burns, president of Pivotal, stated “We are honored to be recognized by Home Innovation Labs for our efforts to help drive proper valuation of energy efficient homes in the real estate market. Our data sharing agreement with Home Innovation Labs is a huge step forward in furthering the consolidation of energy efficient home certification data and delivering this data into the hands of home sellers and real estate market professionals to drive accurate home valuations.”

Since January 2009, when the National Green Building Standard (NGBS) became the first residential green building rating system to be approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Home Innovation Research Labs has certified nearly 100,000 green single-family and apartment homes, and more than 1,650 lots within green residential land developments. (For more details on current certification numbers, visit www.homeinnovation.com/ngbsgreenstats.) For more information on NGBS Green Certified homes and Home Innovation’s NGBS Green Partner builders and remodelers, visit www.NGBS.com.

For more information about Pivotal, visit www.pivotalenergysolutions.com or contact Bob Burns at 800-980-AXIS.


ABOUT PIVOTAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS: Pivotal Energy Solutions, headquartered in the Phoenix, Arizona metro area, is committed to enabling proper valuation of energy efficient homes through the collection, storage, and sharing of energy efficiency data. AXIS, our cloud-hosted workflow management and database solution, enables the consolidation of energy efficiency rating and certification data while delivering operational efficiencies for home builders, raters, utilities, and program administrators. New solutions being developed this year will enable energy efficiency rating data and program certifications to flow seamlessly into the real estate market to help home sellers, appraisers, and lenders document and share energy efficient home features and certifications.

ABOUT HOME INNOVATION RESEARCH LABS: Home Innovation Research Labs, located in Upper Marlboro, Md., is a full-service research, testing, and consulting firm determined to improve the quality, durability, affordability, and environmental performance of single- and multifamily homes and home building products – in short, we aim to perfect the home. Founded in 1964 as a subsidiary of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), our team has been integral in solving many of our client’s most difficult product and technology issues, and helping to introduce some of the most groundbreaking innovations in residential construction. Through an interdisciplinary research approach – including market research, building science analysis, laboratory testing, and standards development – we help to find a home for innovation in the residential construction industry.

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