AXIS Surpasses 75,000 Certifications

Pivotal Energy Solutions announced today that their AXIS cloud-based workflow and data management software platform has surpassed the 75,000 certification mark. Bob Burns, president of Pivotal, stated, "We're very excited that we've reached this important milestone. We've had some great partners along the way, including Arizona Public Service (APS), Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA), and Energy Trust of Oregon, and are grateful for their support and trust in us. It's been a privilege to provide the technical solution for the administration of their respective residential new construction energy efficiency programs," Burns added. AXIS is used by companies like APS, NEEA, and Energy Trust of Oregon to streamline the administration and participation in residential energy efficiency programs through a centralized, cloud-based data hub with workflow management elements specifically tailored to home certification and quality assurance processes. In the Pacific Northwest, AXIS is used by energy raters and verifiers to access both the NEEA and Energy Trust programs through a single web-based user interface. In Arizona, builders may log into AXIS directly to monitor the certification and incentive payment status of their APS program homes.

"We're excited about continuing to deploy AXIS nationally as a direct program administration and participation platform. However, if you include our other third-party national and regional certification data - certifications completed using other software platforms but shared with Pivotal - we're quickly approaching 100,000 certifications representing over 300,000 single-family homes and multi-family units. We continue to lead the U.S. market with the largest volume of aggregated energy efficiency certification data," Burns added.

To learn more about AXIS as an administrative platform or the energy efficiency data housed within AXIS, contact Pivotal Energy Solutions directly.

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